Mosyle MDM 101: Why is my Custom Command not working?
This has bitten me on the butt more times than I care to admit.
Command-line for Editors, Part 4: Extracting the first-frame timecode value from a video file
Here's 5 methods of using the command line to get the first-frame timecode of a video file.
Awesome CLI tip: Quick directory navigation using $CDPATH
File this under "I wish I had known this 20 years ago!"
Command-line for Editors, Part 3: One-liners vs. Scripts
In this installment, we convert our "one-liner" commands into a proper script.
Command-line for Editors, Part 2: Breaking down Part 1
In this installment, we explain in gory detail how the commands in Part 1 work.
Command-line for Editors, Part 1: Creating a series of alphabetic folders
The first in a series of posts in which I try to convince you that the command-line isn't just for nerds.